Luycks Instagram Feed
Fly me to the moon, photocollage by #jeroenblok 2 more weeks on show @luycks_gallery in the gallerie`s Ultimate Joy Forever: 140 works of art by 27 artists. Finissage Sunday October 6. #photocollage #collage #photography #animationart #sculptures #bronzesculpture #steelsculptures #ceramics #gouacheonpaper #mixedmediaoncanvas #mixedmediaonwood #pencilonpaper #textileart #linocuts #oilpaintings

Steel sculptures by #paulvanrijswijk 2 more weeks on show in #luycksgallery `s ultimate Joy Forever, until October 6. 27 arists, 140 works of art #minimalart #sculpture #photography #collage #workonpaper #gouache #textileart #ceramics #collageart #oilpaintings #mixedmedia #animation

2 more weeks on show: Morena`s Hidden Radio behind Lipstick by Jan-Hein van Melis, and 26 other artistes in #luycksgallery `s ultimate Joy Forever – until October 6 #janheinvanmelis #contemporaryart #sculptures #paintings #gouaches #drawings #workonpaper #bronze #steel #acryliconcanvas #oiloncanvas #collage #animation

Two more weeks A Joy Forever @luycks_gallery : the final show with 27 artists and ca 140 works of art #guidovanamelsfoort #toonberghahn #paulbogaert #janheinvanmelis #jandoms #simonschrikker #casperverborg #roelsloot #marjoland #marjoleinlandman #sannebax #paulvanrijswijk #mariekevanderschaar #hanklinkhamee #hendrikduijn #jefnassenstein #wielwiersma #jamiekane #mariannevanhest #paulnassenstein #fredschley #nikodewit #rudolfsamohejl #ivovanleeuwen #hannekeklinkum #slloydtrumpstein

Last show @luycksgallery until Octobre 6. 27 artists ca. 140 works of art. Among whom Marieke van der Schaar #mariekevanderschaar #acrylics #paintings #oilpaintings #photography #sculptures #animation #drawings #gouacheonpaper

Zeer verguld met en vereerd door de toekenning van de Zilveren Erepenning van de gemeente Tilburg uit handen van locoburgemeester Marcelle Hendrickx voor mijn verdiensten voor de kunst- en cultuursector. Dit tijdens de opening van de laatste Joy Forever, op 31 augustus, een groepstentoonstelling met ca. 140 werken van 27 vaste kunstenaars. Tm 6 oktober te zien. #zilverenerepenning #contemporaryart #oilpaintings #linocuts #sculptures #bronzesculptures #textileart #photography #collageart #conceptualart

Building up the last show @luycks_gallery : A Joy Forever with 26 artists. Opening next Saturday from 2-7 pm. 4 pm official opening by Marcelle Hendrickx, deputy mayor of Tilburg. Welcome!

Marieke van der Schaar as one of 26 artists showing smaller the ultimate Joy Forever. Opening Saturday August 31 2 till 7 pm

Sunday July 14 15 pm: artist talk with Jamie Kane @luycks_gallery about his show Earth Wire (until July 21). #jamiekane #installationart #collage #ceramics #graphicart #conceptuelart #jump-talent #dadaism

Jan Doms and Han Klinkhamer with Steps to Heaven in the monumental industrial hall Koekbouw Noordkade Veghel. #hanklinkhamer #jandoms #installationart #oilpaintings #drawings #paperart #linocuts. Until August 4

Now on show until July 21: James Kane with Earth Wire. Sunday July 14 at 3pm artist talk with Kane.
Open also the weekend. Jamie us participant of TalentHub Jump! #jamiekane #conceptualart #ceramics #jump-talent #sculptures

Opening today at 2 pm: soloshow Earth Wire by Jamie Kane. Official opening at 3 pm by Kate Briggs, author and translator and tutor at the Piet Zwart Institute Rotterdam
#jamiekane #katebriggs #sculpture #installationart #graphicart

Young Yiddish Avant-Garde (detail), linocut 2022 by Jan Doms, now on show @luycks_gallery as part of the duo exhibition Steps to Heaven part 1, together with Han Klinkhamer, paintings. To be seen until June 23 #jandoms #hanklinkhamer #linocut #pencildrawing #oilpaintings #installationart

Oilpainting (detail) by Han Klinkhamer in the duoshow Steps to Heaven, part I together with Jan Doms. To be seen until June 23. #hanklinkhamer #jandoms #oilpaintings #landscape

Inferno city, inkdrawing by Jan Doms, now on show in Steps to Heaven together with Han Klinkhamer #jandoms #hanklinkhamer #inkdrawing #oilpaintings